Tag Archives: The Road Warrior

Series Completed: Mad Max

In anticipation of the release of Fury Road, I set out to watch the original trilogy.

It’s been on my radar for a while, especially as Mad Max is on the 1001 challenge list.

So I sit down and… I’m not impressed. At all.

Mad Max seems to build up to the climax forever. Not a lot of bang for your buck.

This brings me to The Road Warrior – where the whole of the first movie is covered in the opening scene! Bang! Didn’t need to see that!

Although a far superior movie, it still doesn’t amount to that much.

The less said about Thunderdome, the better. What a waste of time. And Tina, babes, heart you muchly but you can’t act so please don’t.

I did love the song at the end. With the credits rolling.

With all this, you may understand how sceptical I was when I went to see Fury Road.


This was a different kettle of fish.

A little bit of exposition and away we go!

It’s practically a non-stop chase through the desert, just what the doctor ordered.

The casting’s superb (love Tom Hardy), great story and very entertaining.

Highly recommended.